So, I am completely addicted to reading teacher blogs. I've spent countless hours reading them since I first found them. I have talked about blogs now to all of my friends and posted to our school's
facebook wall to check them out. I want to share and write more on my own, but feel intimidated.
Hmmm..... Well, lets start here with my other addiction: school supplies. I love love love school supplies. I am even more of a fan of the Target dollar section and the amazing Dollar Tree. I'm pretty
embarrassed by the pictures I am going to share, but feel that fellow teachers will understand. Soon I hope to share specific details for the plans for my purchases.

Oh my!

Not by the hair of our chinny chin chins! I love this felt hats I found at Micheals for $2. They will be a great addition to our week long study of the various Three Little Pigs stories. Our dramatic ending is for students to act it out.

I love Dr. Seuss. Check out these silly bands I plan to give to students to day they register with some sort of cute saying. Any suggestions?
Ahh....the new huge eraser I found at The Dollar Tree. We all make mistakes, but we can always start over.